PRIDE Goes County Wide

Press Contact:

Mardi Moore (she), Executive Director
Out Boulder County

Juan Moreno, Corporate Sponsorships & Special Events Manager
Out Boulder County

For Immediate Release

PRIDE goes County Wide

Boulder County, CO – In a year of changes, Out Boulder County is excited to announce a big shift in how Pride is celebrated in Boulder County.  After decades of hosting a separate Longmont Pride in June and Boulder Pride in September, Out Boulder County is bringing the entire county together to celebrate Boulder County Pride during the traditional Pride month of June. The move to hold one annual Pride in June will bring together communities from across the County, expand the festivities geographically, and condense organizing efforts. Pride events will take place between June 7-13, 2021.

Pride commemorates the catalyst of the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement. Patrons of the Stonewall Inn took action against state-sanctioned violence by rising up against a police raid there on June 28, 1969. Every June since then, LGBTQ+ and allied community members have participated in marches, demonstrations, calls to action, and in more recent history, celebrations.

Pride events center the importance of community and connection – values that have been all the more emphasized during a pandemic that has seriously impacted our ability to gather together. Since public health guidelines are continuing to be updated and evolve as the events have been planned, Boulder County Pride events will be held virtually or physically distanced.

The events sure to draw the biggest crowds will be the three motorcades on Sunday, June 13: in Longmont at 9am, in Boulder at 1pm, and in Lafayette at 4pm. The motorcades are physically distanced car parades that take the place of the traditional foot march in respect to COVID precautions. Participants are encouraged to embellish their vehicles with Pride decorations and enjoy a slow drive along the motorcade route to drum up pride, visibility, and a celebratory community spirit.  Folks can also participate by safely lining the streets to watch the procession and cheer on the crowd.

The motorcades are handled differently in the different cities and each city’s public safety team has been engaged to make the motorcades possible. In Boulder, the motorcade will be led by local Fire Department engines, while the rolling closures in Lafayette require a police car lead. To protect everyone’s safety, bicycles are not allowed in the motorcades.

All events are free to the public.  Businesses and organizations that are not already Pride sponsors can participate in the motorcade for a small fee.

Out Boulder County will host Pride events June 7-13, 2021 with events for all ages. Check out the website for regular updates on event details.

Boulder County Pride 2021 events:

Rainbow Storytime
Pride Ponies


LGBTQ Family Planning Seminar
50+ LGBTQ+ Mixer

Drive-In Film Screening of “P.S. Burn This Letter Please”

Queer Contenders (LGBTQ+ Video Game Tournament)

Name and Gender Change Clinic
BIPOC Film Screening of “Chavela”
Pride Vaccine Clinic

Boulder County Motorcades (Longmont, Boulder, Lafayette)




Grand Marshals Announced for LGBTQ+ Pride Motorcades


First Study On LGBTQ+ People And Vaccine Reluctance